Javac Pty. Ltd. Modern
Slavery Act (2018) 2022 Statement
This statement is made by Javac Pty. Ltd. in compliance to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (FRL) and applies to all parent companies and subsidiaries (as defined in Javac Pty. Ltd. company holdings).
This statement will be reviewed and updated annually to reflect the company status and is available on our website or by request.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It can take various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. Javac Pty. Ltd. is committed to identify risks of modern slavery and human trafficking throughout its supply chain and continually works with its suppliers to ensure transparency in the supply chain.
Our Pledge
Javac Pty. Ltd. is committed to comply fully with applicable human rights legislation in the countries we operate. For all matters relating to human rights, we will comply with local laws and if those laws provide lesser protection than Australian law, we will apply the principles enshrined in Australian law.
As part of our ongoing due diligence process which has taken place during the previous financial year, supplier approval is carried out throughout Javac Pty. Ltd. The following controls have been put in place to mitigate potential risk from within Javac Pty. Ltd. from those organisations, we interact with:
We continue to include modern slavery discussions within all our supplier visits
We continue to work closely with our supply chains to ensure compliance with legislative obligations and expect those organisations to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking polices and processes.
We continue to request that our suppliers complete ‘Supplier Modern Slavery Self-Assessment Declaration’
We will carry out independent modern slavery audits (especially in countries where the risk of modern slavery is much higher).
Our Organisation and its Structure
Javac Pty. Ltd. was established in 1964 and sells HAVAC/R products. It operates in Australia and abroad, and is primarily based in the South East of Melbourne, Victoria.
Further Declaration to Commitment
Javac Pty. Ltd. has clear polices in place to further mitigate and demonstrate our commitment to combatting modern slavery and these policies are outlined below:
Whistleblowing Policy
Javac Pty. Ltd. operates a whistleblowing policy. The aim of this policy is to provide an internal mechanism for reporting, investigating and remedying any wrongdoing in our supply chain. We aim to encourage every employee to speak up about genuine concerns in relation to criminal activity.
Commitment to CSR & ESG
Javac Pty. Ltd. is fully committed to being an equal opportunities employer. Trust, honesty and integrity are paramount to our organisation and we are opposed to all forms of discrimination.
Anti – Bribery Policy
Javac Pty. Ltd. operates on an ethical basis in all of its activities and takes all reasonable steps to ensure bribery is prevented, either by those working for the organisation or associated with it, including third parties and agents. Javac Pty. Ltd. therefore has in place procedures and systems to prevent and detect corruption and bribery.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Javac Pty. Ltd. are aware of issues relating to discrimination, harassment and victimisation and have taken the necessary measures to make sure it does not happen within the organisation. Javac Pty. Ltd. employees are paid at least the living wage, which shows a commitment to avoiding labour exploitation within our businesses.
Managing Risk
Javac Pty. Ltd. does not wish to be associated with any organisation that either has or is found to be involved with human trafficking or modern slavery. If we were to find evidence that one of our suppliers has failed to comply with Modern Slavery Act 2018 then we would require the relevant supplier to remedy such non-compliance and would consider terminating our relationship should we see no substantial improvement in the way their business is conducted.
We currently conduct limited audits on our suppliers from a modern day slavery perspective. However as part of our efforts at Javac Pty. Ltd. to monitor and reduce the risk of modern day slavery and human trafficking occurring through the supply chains, we regularly send out ‘Modern Slavery Self-Assessment Declarations’ to our suppliers to reinforce and strengthen our commitment to eliminating modern slavery.
Supplier Adherence to our Values
In order to ensure that all persons within our supply chain comply with our values and zero tolerance policy on modern slavery, we have implemented a ‘Modern Slavery Self-Assessment Declaration’ to assess and monitor our suppliers conduct.
Javac Pty. Ltd. has the objective to continue sending out Modern Slavery supplier audits throughout our supply chain. We therefore expect our suppliers to comply with those provisions laid out in the act and hold their own suppliers to the same high standards.
Training and Awareness
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business, we continue to provide awareness training to all of our employees including;
Key members of staff who manage supplier relationships and who are responsible for managing investments in companies who have a potentially higher risk of slavery, throughout Javac Pty. Ltd.
Develop actions to strengthen our risk assessments and supply chain mapping.
Regular coaching to our procurement team on effective procurement processes, which includes the assessment of potential new suppliers and qualification.
Review Status
The following developments have been realised since the last review:
Modern Slavery statements have been reviewed from our existing suppliers who comply with the act.
We have created a specific modern slavery supplier risk assessment tracking matrix.
Modern slavery self-assessment forms have been completed by our key suppliers.
A further roll out of Modern slavery self-assessment forms have been sent to our key suppliers.
We continue to achieve the objectives set out in Our Pledge.
Board Approval
The Company Director(s) are responsible for implementing this policy and continually monitor the level of control required to prevent Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking taking place within our supply chain.
This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors and is for the financial year ending 31st December 2022
If you have any questions regarding this statement, please address these to; accounts@javac.com.au
Company Name: Javac Pty. Ltd.
Name: Andrew F. Davies
Position: Managing Director
Date: 22nd March 2022